Madoka Shibazaki
Designer / Photographer
1990年生まれ。2015年に写真家として独立し、『彼女が好きなものは』(21)、『愛なのに』(22)、『猫は逃げた」(22)、『LOVE LIFE』(22)、『市子』(23)、『雨の中の欲情』(24)など数々の映画スチールを手掛ける他、雑誌、広告、カタログ、アーティスト写真など幅広く活動中。
Born in 1990, she became an independent photographer in 2015 and har worked on numerous film stills including “What She Likes” (21), “Love Nonetheless” (22), “Straying” (22), “LOVE LIFE” (22), “Ichiko” (23), “Lust in the Rain” (24) as well as magazines, advertising, catalogs, She is also active in a wide range of fields, including magazines, advertisements, catalogs, and artist photography.